What's Your Issue?
Collaborative art programme, What's Your Issue?, was led by 24 young people from three NEIC youth organisations who engaged with artists Shireen Shortt and Serena Teehan in weekly sessions between February and December 2017. The young artists explored issues relevant to them and were supported to pursue art mediums of their choice. They developed their capacities for critical reflection alongside various media and arts skills to conceptualise, shape and share their ideas about issues impacting their lives. The work was exhibited in D-Light Studios in November 2017, Science Gallery, Dublin in December 2017 and will be exhibited in the Five Lamps Arts Festival in March 2018.
The project sprang out of discussions with Terry Fagan during the Arts Culture and Heritage Strategy Subgroup meetings; part of the NEICCC at the end of 2016. The programme was initiated by artist Katherine Sankey, co-ordinator of the project, and Swan Youth Service.
2017 marked the first year of this initiative and we look forward to collaborating with more NEIC youth services in 2018. In 2017 the 4 groups of young people were from Swan Youth Service, Crinan Youth Project and LYCS (Lourdes Youth & Community Services) aged 15 to 23.
The artworks below were created by young people in Swan Youth Service through participatory media practice with Shireen Shortt.
My Body, My Canvas by Megan Kavanagh
Mixed Media Sculpture
An exploration of the difficulties women face on a daily basis.
The Working Man by Niamh Molloy
Pencil and Ink Drawings
How have the changes in Dublin’s Docklands uprooted a community of working men? A series of drawings in pencil and ink.
Swan by Tamzin Brogan
Documentary Video
A video portrait of SWAN Youth Service, where young people and youth leaders explore what SWAN means to them.
My Out Family by Claudio Marsella
Photography Series
My Out Family is a series of portraits that show what it is like to be LGBT and in and out of the closet.
OuT-fIt-ChANgE by Sophie Murphy
Short Film
This short film explores a teenager’s experience with not fitting in to social expectations.
Prisoner by Thomas Arkins
Short Film
Lost in Oz by Sophie Geoghegan
A song exploring domestic violence in
a teenage relationship.
Song produced by Les Keye at Arad Studios, Dublin.
Remembering Croke Villas by Aaron Connolly
Photography Series and Audio Recording
A photographic exhibition of the demolition of the Croke Villas flats with audio of people’s memories of living and growing up in the flats.
Bosunner Swan Homelessness Prevention (BSSHP) by Bosunner
Mixed Media Sculpture
Raising awareness of homelessness in Dublin.